Happy Friday MCS Community!

A Farewell to Ms. Karen

Today is our beloved Ms. Karen’s last day with us for a while, as she is due with her daughter Marlee soon and will be taking a year off afterwards to spend time with her baby.  We are so happy for her, but selfishly we are also incredibly sad to say goodbye (or, hopefully, see you later…)

Ms. Karen has been with us for several years, first as an Assistant and then a Lead Guide as she completed her Montessori certification in the Primary program.  She came to us because being a Montessori Guide was her “dream job” and in her time here with us she made it a reality.  So many of us benefited deeply from her journey – countless children and families are better for having spent their days with Ms. Karen.  We will miss her sweetness, her sense of humor, her samurai-like patience, and her endless LOVE for our community.

MCS Supper Club

Our Supper Club Annual Fundraiser is April 25th at Antonia’s.  We are currently deep in the Silent Auction item recruitment phase – this is the portion of the fundraiser that grosses the highest portion of our Scholarship funds for the year and is crucial to our annual budget to provide Montessori education to those who cannot afford it otherwise.  So far we have about 30 auction items, but we need about 30 more to make it the success we are aiming for!  Please see the attached silent auction form (we also have them in the office) and distribute to any local businesses you think may be interested in participating!

MCSKW SC Silent Auction Donation Form

Intent to Remain

Each year we begin our future enrollment process by first contacting our current families to allow you the opportunity to notify us of whether your child(ren) will be returning or whether we can plan to offer your space to another family.  Intent to Remain Forms have been distributed and are due back March 14th (if not returned we will assume the space is available to offer to another child.)  If you would like to discuss your particular situation, please use this as an opportunity to start any conversation you would like to have.  You can reach Amy at amy@montessorikeywest.com or come to the front office to chat at your convenience.

Intent to Remain 2025-2026.docx

Step Up for Students

Step Up Applications are OPEN.  All students rising Kindergarten and above (age 5 or over as of September 1, 2025) AND students age 3 and above with UA qualifications are encouraged to apply or reapply ASAP, as the information circulated so far has indicated a potential point of capacity with the increase of applications so far.  We would not want anyone in our community to miss out on this important funding opportunity.

Once your application is approved please send your Step Up Award ID to office@montessorikeywest.

This Week @ MCS


1  The Primary Program had a morning picnic to celebrate Ms. Karen’s last day

2. Toddler parents learning about Food Prep from the experts at this week’s Toddler Parent Ed Session

3.  An impromptu Toddler steel drum band

Upcoming Events (more info on each below)…

PRO TIP:  Click the date to save the event to your personal calendar on your phone!

Monday, March 3rd – Friday, March 7th:  Literacy Week Book Exchange

Wednesday, March 12th:  Rising Kindergartener & Elementary Game Night, 5:30PM On Campus

Friday, March 14th:  Plogging Sponsored by Montessori Key West

Friday, March 14th:  NO SCHOOL, Professional Day

Monday, March 17th – Friday, March 21st:  SPRING BREAK – No School, Toddler & Primary Camp Available 8AM-3:30PM

Monday, March 24th:  Classes Resume

Literacy Week

March 3-7 we will celebrate all things READING!  Please bring any books you’d like to donate to our book exchange, and plan to pick some up for your family to take home!  We challenge all of our families to consider incorporating a “reading ritual” in your homes. Where in your day can you come together to read?  That is where our children will learn a love of reading more than anywhere else.  Consider reading as a family before the TV gets turned on, or first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee on the couch before getting the day moving.  This small step WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Rising Kindergartener & Lower Elementary Game Night

Parents & Your Students ages 5 and above as of September 1, 2025 through rising 3rd Years are invited to join us in the Lower Elementary area on Wednesday, March 12th at 5:30PM for a special Game Night! This is a chance to mingle with other rising Kindergarten and above families, meet Ms. Suzanne and Ms. Sally and learn more about the Elementary program of Montessori Key West. We will also provide information for Step Up for Students for those with questions.

Rising K Elem Game Night Flyer


The best way to teach our kids to give back to & care for our community is to give back to our community with our kids here to see & partake.  On Friday, March 14h we will have a Professional Day with No School, but we are taking the opportunity to care for our neighborhood by hosting the Plogging in the Keys organization’s weekly clean up.  If you are in town, please plan to join us from 8-9AM – grown ups & kiddos alike – to pick up trash & cigarette butts from our surrounding streets (did you know cigarette butts are collected separately and used to make benches?!)  We will host a breakfast-style snack afterwards for the Ploggers and will be asking for donations.

Plogging Event Info

Spring Break Camp

We are out of school March 14-23, with a return to school on March 24.  Toddler & Primary Spring Break Camp runs March 17-21, 2025.  See attached 2025 Spring Break Camp Sign Ups.docx for Spring Break camp.  Please complete and return to the office by March 7.  Any questions please let us know 🙂

Elementary friends or families with older siblings in need of camp options – we’ve got you!  Here are a few we have compiled for those families who may be interested:

Ms. Jessica Tookey (Our Art Teacher) Art Camp:  TooKEY’s Gallery – Home (click “Book Art Lessons” to see Camp bookings)

Key West Art & Historical Society Art Camp:  Spring ArtCamp! | The Art of Key West | Key West Art & Historical Society

Key West Community Sailing Camp:  Spring Break Camp – Key West Community Sailing Center

Weekly Miracle Makers

Oftentimes it feels like our school is powered by Miracles.  Miracles large and small happen each week to pull off all that we do here.  Those miracles appear in acts of love and kindness and service by parents, children, staff, alumni, community members, and more, and each week we highlight a special one here.

This week’s Miracle Maker is Nelson Hills, Ms. Sally’s husband and the knight in shining armor who came to our rescue with a truck bed full of sandbags on Monday when the front office flooded in that crazy rain storm.  Time and again our school stands on the backs of the wonderful parents in our community who come to our rescue at the drop of a hat.  Thank you Nelson & Sally & Jett!

Greater Key West Community Events

Congratulations to our own Ms. Ashley Simons, who was recognized by the Greater Key West Chamber of Commerce as a Teacher of Excellence for the 2024-2025 school year.  A very well deserved recognition!!

Vendor Spotlight

Did your kiddos have a blast in the bounce houses at Love & Play?  This year’s Bounce Houses were provided by Sawyer’s Party Rentals who we highly recommend for your next event!