Happy Friday MCS Community!

Let’s talk about Step Up for Students  If you have not already taken part in the Step Up for Students program, here is a quick overview of what it is and how it applies to our school.

Step Up for Students is a State-sponsored universal scholarship program that promotes school choice, using tax credit funds and donations to support access to private education for Florida students.  We are a registered Step Up for Students School and this year have about 45 students enrolled in the program receiving upwards of 80% of their tuition supplemented by the scholarship.  Even if this program does not apply to your family now, it is a great comfort to know that once your child reaches Kindergarten (or qualifies for a UA category) a major portion of their tuition will be paid by the program.

2025/2026 Applications for Step Up for Students Scholarships go live February 1 this year (much earlier than in the past) so we encourage all relevant families to be ready to apply that day.  Here is the link to the checklist for renewal applications so you can have ready what you’ll need.

The following students can and are encouraged to apply for Step Up funding:

  • Kindergarten and above (age 5 as of September 1, 2025)

  • Students 3 and over with a listed Unique Ability (check this list – your child may qualify as it is pretty broad!):

    • Anaphylaxis

    • Autism spectrum disorder

    • Being a high-risk child

    • Cerebral Palsy

    • Down syndrome

    • Emotional or a behavioral disability

    • Hearing impairment, including deafness

    • Hospital or homebound

    • Identification as dual sensory impaired

    • Intellectual disability

    • Language impairment

    • Muscular dystrophy

    • Orthopedic impairment

    • Other health impairment

    • Phelan-McDermid syndrome

    • Prader-Willi syndrome

    • Rare diseases

    • Specific learning disability

    • Speech impairment

    • Spina bifida

    • Traumatic brain injury

    • Visual impairment, including blindness

    • Williams syndrome

If you have any questions about Step Up funding or the program please come chat with Ms. Alex in the office.

This Week @ MCS


1  Toddler friends in the Mangrove room decorating their Grandparents Day/Special Friend Day invitation to be mailed this week

2. Two Lower Elementary families share a laugh at the Learning Expedition this week to the Botanical Gardens.

3. Elementary students in their PE Class on the front lawn with Ms. Alex, who fills in for January and runs a functional fitness class with games. February will bring back Ms. Nancy and her folk dancing fun.

Upcoming Events (more info on each below)…

PRO TIP:  Click the date to save the event to your personal calendar on your phone!

Monday, January 20th:  No School, MLK Day

Thursday, January 23rd:  Parent/Corporation Meeting @ 6PM, On Campus

Thursday, February 6th:  Zoom Meeting for Rising Junior High Schoolers (7th-9th Grade)

Saturday, February 8th:  Saturday Play Date/Game Day 9AM-12PM, On Campus

Friday, February 14th:  Grandparent/Special Friend Day

Parent/Corporation Meeting

Throughout the year we hold three Parent/Corporation Meetings (we are all members of the Corporation at Montessori Children’s School.)  The second of the three meetings this year will be Thursday, January 23rd at 6PM here on campus.  The meeting typically lasts 45 minutes, and we offer free childcare for all levels.  Meeting attendance is worth 1 work/pay hour.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about high level plans for the school (including expansion of our programs, a second campus, and other exciting goals) as well as a chance to interact with other parents and our staff outside of school hours.

Saturday Morning Play Date

Could you use a few hours of childcare on a Saturday morning?  On Saturday, February 8th from 9AM-12PM drop off your kiddos with us and go do whatever it is you would like to do with 3 available hours of your time.  The Toddler & Primary programs will have a morning drop off play date on their playgrounds with special activities and a snack included for $50 per child.  Lower & Upper Elementary are hosting a drop off morning of GAMES for $30 per child.  Please email office@montessorikeywest.com or text/call 305-294-5302 to sign up by February 3rd.  All proceeds benefit the continuing education expenses for our staff who attended the International Montessori Conference in Atlanta.

Grandparent/Special Friend Day

One of the most special days of the year is upon us!  Our annual Grandparent/Special Friend Day is a sweet and memorable chance for the children to welcome a Grandparent or Special Friend (family member, neighbor, any grown up they love) to join them in the classroom to experience a bit of their world.  Toddler & Primary students will welcome their guests for 9AM or 10AM time slots, and Elementary students will welcome their guests for 1PM & 1:45PM time slots.

We hand address invitations to send in the mail from the children.  What we need from you is the following information for your child’s Grandparent/Special Friend:

Full Name:

Who is this to your child? (Grandparent, friend, etc)

Mailing Address including Street, City, State, Zip:

Phone number:


Please send this information to office@montessorikeywest.com or text it to 305-294-5302 by TODAY so we can mail the invitations out.

Weekly Miracle Makers

Oftentimes it feels like our school is powered by Miracles.  Miracles large and small happen each week to pull off all that we do here.  Those miracles appear in acts of love and kindness and service by parents, children, staff, alumni, community members, and more, and each week we highlight a special one here.

This week’s Miracle Maker is our very own Ms. Sally, who has worn many hats this week working as a substitute teacher in several programs this week and bringing her magic and positive energy to our campus with a great attitude every day.  We love Ms. Sally!