Happy Friday MCS Community!

Call for 5K Race Sponsors

Our First of our Two Major Fundraisers this school year is our annual 5K Run/Walk & Kids Fun Run, scheduled for Sunday, December 8th at 8AM at Truman Waterfront.  First order of business:  We are looking for Sponsors!  Attached is our Sponsorship form for any local businesses that may be interested in participating as Sponsors. Keep in mind Sponsors are our primary method of fundraising for this event – and include great exposure for local business plus registrations with the sponsorship packages.  If you are willing to help solicit sponsors please let Alex in the office know!

2024 Montessori 5K Sponsor.docx

A Message from our Elementary Program

A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped with our most successful Elementary Bake Sale yet! To Ben, our coordinator, thank you! To those who set up and cleaned up, thank you! To those who baked and delivered the yummiest treats ever, thank you! Ms. Dawn and I are excited to add some materials to our Montessori classrooms. We couldn’t do it without you. Again, thank you. We are grateful.

This Week @ MCS


1  Gumbo Limbo friends experimenting with pumpkins as part of their Fall lessons.

2. A Banyan friend working with great focus on spreading cream cheese on a bagel as part of food preparation in the classroom.

3. Ms Suzanne presenting a lesson to the Spanish Lime class (years 1-3.)

Upcoming Events (more info on each below)…

PRO TIP:  Click the date to save the event to your personal calendar on your phone!

Monday, October 14th:  NO SCHOOL – PROFESSIONAL DAY

Thursday & Friday, October 24th & 25th:  NO SCHOOL – CAMP AVAILABLE

Saturday, November 2nd:  Follow the Child @ 9AM (Primary Only), On Campus

Wednesday, November 6th:  Elementary Student-Led Conferences (2-4pm), On Campus

Thursday, November 7th:  iGuardian Cyber Security for Parents @ 5:30PM, On Campus

Monday, November 11th:  NO SCHOOL – Parent/Teacher Conferences

Tuesday, November 12th-Friday, November 15th:  School Picture Week

Camp Over Professional Days October 24 & 25

A group of our core staff is traveling to Atlanta for the International Montessori Council Conference to continue our staff’s education and Montessori offerings.  During these two days we will not have school, but will offer camp for those who would need it.  Camp is available for Toddler, Primary, and Lower Elementary programs (no camp for Upper Elementary or Middle this time.)  Camp will be 8AM-3:30PM and the cost is $65/day.  Registration is first come first serve and space is limited in our Toddler program specifically, so please sign up quickly to secure your space.  Registration form:  2024 October Prof Day Camp Sign Ups.docx

iGuardian Cyber Security for Parents Presentation

Please join us on November 7th at 5:30PM here on campus for our second offering of this absolutely invaluable information provided by HSI and a couple of members of their team who also happen to be parents at our school!  Learn about the risks we face online as parents and how we can protect our children from this growing threat with crucial information straight from the group tasked with protecting us.  Please let us know if you will be attending and if you will need childcare so we can coordinate to make this accessible for you.  Flyer:  iGuardian Promotional Flyer – Color

Weekly Miracle Makers

Oftentimes it feels like our school is powered by Miracles.  Miracles large and small happen each week to pull off all that we do here.  Those miracles appear in acts of love and kindness and service by parents, children, staff, alumni, community members, and more, and each week we highlight a special one here.

This week’s Miracle Maker is Daniel Andrews, Ari’s Dad, who offers up his General Contractor skills every time we yell for help.  Thank you Daniel for taking care of our campus and lending us your time and energy every time we call on you!  Here’s a photo of Daniel & some other rockin’ Dads building us a cabin for the Toddler playground.