Happy Friday MCS Community!
Fundraising News
We have two major fundraisers currently cooking, and we need our entire community’s help to make them successful:
- Key West Candle Company & MCS Partnership – The Montessori Key West holiday candle! A custom, hand poured holiday candle created for our school to sell as a fundraiser (Thank you Deejay Peak!)
Candle order forms sent home & available in front office, with sample candle (also attached) candlefundraiser MONTESSORI final
Candles are $40 each with a great profit margin for the school
Order forms due November 12th
Candles will be delivered for distribution the first week of December
- Montessori Key West 5K Run/Walk & Kids Fun Runs – December 8th at Truman Waterfront starting at 8AM!
Registration is Open for our 5K Race & Kids Fun Run! This is an event for all fitness levels – runners, walkers, strollers – the goal is to WALK THE WALK (metaphorically & literally) and show our kids healthy living is fun for everyone. Montessori Key West 5K Run/Walk & Kids Fun Run
Not up for the race? We need volunteers! We will need course marshalls, registration help, donations of all kinds of items, and of course CHEERING! A sign up genius will go out with volunteer opportunities but please let Ms. Alex know if you are specifically interested in helping in a particular way.
Please respond & share on your social media: Facebook Event – 5K!
We are still accepting sponsorships!! Attached is our sponsorship form. Join the list of local businesses supporting our event and have your logo on all of our promotional materials & shirts! 2024 Montessori 5K Sponsor.docx
This Week @ MCS
1 Lower Elementary (Spanish Lime) friends scrubbing our sign, which looks beautiful!
2. Gumbo Limbo friends building upwards…
3. CocoPlum (Upper Elementary) friends making a presentation about recycling at circle time to the Pigeon Plum toddlers…
Upcoming Events (more info on each below)…
PRO TIP: Click the date to save the event to your personal calendar on your phone!
Saturday, November 2nd: Follow the Child @ 9AM (Primary Only), On Campus
Wednesday, November 6th: Elementary Student-Led Conferences (2-4pm), On Campus
Thursday, November 7th: iGuardian Cyber Security for Parents @ 4:00PM, On Campus
Friday, November 8th: Family Fun Friday on the Lawn @ 5:30PM, On Campus
Monday, November 11th: NO SCHOOL – Parent/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 12th-Friday, November 15th: School Picture Week
Friday, November 22nd: Half Day Dismissal @ 12PM & Potluck on Front Lawn
Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29th: NO SCHOOL, FALL BREAK
Monday, November 25-Wednesday, November 27th: Fall Camp 8AM-3:30PM Toddler & Primary Only
iGuardian Cyber Security for Parents Presentation
IMPORTANT SESSION ON KEEPING YOUR KIDS SAFE ONLINE, WITH FREE CHILDCARE! Please join us on November 7th at 4:00PM (NEW TIME) here on campus for our second offering of this absolutely invaluable information provided by HSI and a couple of members of their team who also happen to be parents at our school. Learn about the risks we face online as parents and how we can protect our children from this growing threat with crucial information straight from the group tasked with protecting us. Please let us know if you will be attending and if you will need childcare so we can coordinate to make this accessible for you – aftercare will be available for all students with parents in attendance.
iGuardian Promotional Flyer – Color (1)
Family Fun Fridays on the Lawn
Now that the weather is cooling off we are ready to open up the Front Lawn on Friday, November 8th for our first Family Fun Friday! Bring a picnic blanket & a picnic dinner for an informal easy evening of playing and socializing. All members of the community welcome – feel free to invite other families. We open the playgrounds and play from 5:30 until the sun goes down.
School Picture Week
School photos are upon us! Here is the schedule for school photos:
Tuesday, November 12: Spanish Lime (@ drop off) & Gumbo Limbo
Wednesday, November 13: Pigeon Plum (@ drop off) & Banyan
Thursday, November 14: Staff (7:35 group shot), Mangrove (@ drop off) & CocoPlum
Friday, November 15: Makeup Day
You will receive an email from the photographer, Megan with Giggles & Grins, with more information on photos and ordering.
Fall Break Camp
Over our Fall Break, Camp is available for Toddler & Primary. Camp will be 8AM-3:30PM and the cost is $65/day. Registration is first come first serve and space is limited in our Toddler program specifically, so please sign up quickly to secure your space. Registration form is attached.
2024 Fall Break Camp Sign Ups.docx
Elementary families – we recommend KWAHS Camp for over this break week should you need a camp. Fall ArtCamp! | Depicting the Everglades | Key West Art & Historical Society
Weekly Miracle Makers
Oftentimes it feels like our school is powered by Miracles. Miracles large and small happen each week to pull off all that we do here. Those miracles appear in acts of love and kindness and service by parents, children, staff, alumni, community members, and more, and each week we highlight a special one here.
This week’s Miracle Maker is Hollie Will, mom of Scarlet in CocoPlum. Hollie has single-handedly roped in 4 separate sponsorships from local businesses for our upcoming 5K race. Sponsorships are our most helpful form of fundraising for his event, and all proceeds funnel directly to our In-House Scholarship program, making authentic Montessori education available to families who otherwise could not afford it. Thank you, Hollie, for making miracles for our school and the families benefiting from the scholarships gained through these sponsorships.
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